Josh Wilcox

[Owner& LEAD Engineer]
[Owner& LEAD Engineer]
Josh Wilcox is the owner and lead engineer of BPS and his goal and mission is clear. To make clients content look and sound as best possible and be a resource for advice and tips to podcasters at all times. In addition to having recorded hundreds of different podcasts and thousands of episodes, He's what you could call, a jack of all trades when it comes to audio. He's recorded mixed and mastered music for some very well-known artists. He's produced his own music which has played on radio stations and TV shows. And prior to owning BPS he was the producer, and editor of a very popular podcast The Human Experience.
Walter Nordquist
[2nd engineer & assistant manager]
Walter Nordquist is an SAE graduate with a diploma in Audio Technology and currently works at Brooklyn Podcasting Studio. Born and raised in Brooklyn NY, he grew up absorbing and appreciating all aspects of art and entertainment. Walter has recorded with musicians, voice actors, as well as with a wide variety of podcasts and audiobooks. He is a highly valued member of the BPS staff and in the words of the owner Josh Wilcox "I may have more experience but I see absolutely no difference between me and Walter in terms of ability, attention to detail, and willingness to work with any client. I'm super lucky to have him on my staff and I couldn't run this place without him"